At last Grace James finished her book, called "Stuttered Mind". It was placed in right at the same date as her birthday. So congratulations to her with revealing her new book and happy birthday to her.
She was then called to have a meeting with a journalist, Adger Keyes.
Adger Keyes : So tell us Grace where/how did you get the whole idea of making a book?
Grace James : Well at first i actually thought of dedicating it to a special friend of
mine and days by days my head was blank. I had no ideas. And then
somehow i just let my hands to the work without even knowing what about i
was writing. And then this idea quickly came out about an LAPD agents,
police, detective and crime stuff. because i read too much of these kind
of genres and i thought to myself maybe i will try doing the same.
AK : That's really cool, trying new stuff. My next Question is why did you call your book "Stuttered Mind"? what does it have to do with the plot?
GJ : Well when i finished the book, i had a problem with the title. I had no
title for it at all! and then i thought about my director/producer Tofic
Rzayev, he had a script for a movie called "Stuttered mind" and it made
me think that maybe i should use it,because the title itself is creepy
and mysterious. After all, the character Kristine Berlanti does has a
Schizofrenic disorder and some other symptoms that are connected to
AK : oh that's really creative of you. The next question is that is the book more of an open ended story or a story that ends with a full stop?
GJ : no, it ends with a full stop. I certainly do not want to write more of
these. ( laughs) I want to move on, you know different genres and other adventures.
AK : that's really good, trying different genres. And my last question... Is there any other books your working on?
GJ : Oh no, not yet. I want my mind to be fresh this summer. I might start on September.